If you are studying elsewhere and have successfully applied to Sciences Po Strasbourg, please visit “Arriving at Sciences Po Strasbourg”.
Entry requirements for Master 2 degrees
- Sciences Po Strasbourg Diploma students are admitted to one of the Master 2 qualifications in their field of study at the end of their Fourth Year. Students are assigned to the Master 2 of their choice through an internal selection process. Master 2 classes are mainly (in some cases exclusively) composed of Sciences Po Strasbourg Diploma students.
- Subject to the availability of places, external students may be able to apply for certain Sciences Po Strasbourg Master 2 courses. These students must fully meet the course requirements and will be selected on the basis of their academic record.
How to apply separately for Master 2
Students applying separately for Master 2 must do so via the ecandidat.unistra.fr website during the month of April. Applications can ONLY be made online.
Timeline for separate applications
The timeline for applications is the same for all our Master’s courses.
- 20 avril 2023 : Opening of the server - beginning of the application process
- 10 mai 2023 : Server closes - end of application submission
- 16 mai 2023 : Deadline for submitting applications and documents on E-candidat
- 16 juin 2023 : Date of publication of results on the E-candidat server
- 22 juin 2023 : Deadline for confirmation (the candidate must confirm his/her application or withdraw)