From the First Year onwards, students can get involved in organising key events during the academic year as well as cultural and sporting activities through our student associations. Some twenty associations are an integral part of life at the Institute. Students can come together around shared interests which will help prepare them for the demands of their plans for the future.
Our associations are grouped into the seven themes described below:
Environment and fight against social discrimination
The alter Unit is the ecological and solidarity association of Sciences Po Strasbourg created in 2020 and is composed of 3 poles: the alter pole, the solidarity pole and the pole "AND youth".
Collectif Arc En Ci.Elles
The AEC Collective is the intersectional feminist group at Sciences Po Strasbourg. Created in 2013 as a reaction to the Manifs pour tous (Protest For All movement), its main purpose is to improve students’ living conditions. Its aim is to raise students' awareness of the issues of sexism, racism, ableism and LGBTQ+phobia. As an activist group, it participates in various types of actions and events, both external and internal to ScPo Strasbourg.
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Events - Network
Bureau Des Elèves (BDE)
The BDE | Bureau des Elèves (Student Office) is an association whose main mission is to organise events that mark student life in Sciences Po Strasbourg. Its 17 members are fully committed to the integration and well-being of all students.
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Bureau Inter-Associatif (BIA)
The BIA is one of the youngest associations at Sciences Po Strasbourg. After a long time in the pipeline, this plan finally came to fruition in April 2016, stemming from the desire of association presidents to communicate and collaborate via an inter-association coordination body.
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Bureau Des Arts (BDA)
The Bureau des Arts (BDA) is an association for all artists at Sciences Po Strasbourg. The Sciences Po Strasbourg BDA is the largest BDA in France, with 12 clubs ranging from music and theatre to cooking, cinema and literature.
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Oenopo is Sciences Po Strasbourg’s association for wine-tasting, beer-tasting and sampling Alsatian cuisine.
Stras'Boum Boum
The Stras’Boum Boum (SBB) Association is Strasbourg’s drumming band. We participates in various events such as the Christmas markets, the carnival and future Inter-IEP Games. We play and support our Sports Bureau on match days throughout the year.
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Societal Issues and Conferences (Debating, Economics, Europe, Politics)
École des jeunes orateurs
The EJO (Young Public Speakers) is an association created in 2009 by Sciences Po Strasbourg students, with the support of the Director, Mr Gabriel Eckert, and Mr Vlad Constantinesco, Professor of Public Law. Our aim is to develop public speaking and the public-speaking skills of our participants.
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Voix d'Europe
Voix d'Europe is an association that encourages debate on the European Union among young people. However, we are not a political or pro-European association. Everyone is free to express their opinion on the European Union and its issues.
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Propos is Sciences Po Strasbourg’s free and independent student media.
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Sciences Po Forum
Founded in 2007, Sciences Po Forum aims to promote intellectual debate. Each year, we host several conferences and debates with a variety of public figures, from political and cultural backgrounds and also from academia and the media.
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The main activity of our association is to participate in Model United Nations or MUNs. These UN simulations are usually organised abroad, where students from all over the world who share an interest in diplomacy can meet and exchange ideas.
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Bureau Des Sports (BDS)
The Bureau des Sports is at the heart of student life at Science Po Strasbourg. Bringing together students from all years across the Institute, the BDS plays an important social function at Sciences Po Strasbourg.
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Associations des masters de Sciences Po Strasbourg
ApoGée Culture
Créée en 2005, Apogée Culture est l’association des étudiants et anciens élèves du Master 2 Politique et Gestion de la Culture de Sciences Po Strasbourg.
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Association des Masters de Finance
Etudiants des deux masters Finance de Sciences Po Strasbourg, nous souhaitons faire vivre une association qui permettrait la construction d’un esprit de filière entre étudiants du M1, du M2 et anciens étudiants, ainsi que la structuration d’une identité commune du cursus Economie et Entreprises de notre école.
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Association du Master Europe
L’Association du Master Europe est en charge de la coordination des voyages d’études à Bruxelles et à Luxembourg, de l’organisation de visites avec divers acteurs européens et de conférences thématiques sur des questions européennes.
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Association Sciences sociales du Politique
L’Association Sciences Sociales du Politique est l’association de promotion créée en 2022 à l’initiative des étudiants.e.s du master. L’association a d’abord pour vocation d’être au cœur de la vie du master. Elle participe à la visibilité du master ainsi qu’au développement des liens entre les étudiant.e.s de la promotion actuelle et celles des années précédentes.
La Fabrique de l'Etat
La Fabrique de l’État est l’association d’affaires publiques de Sciences Po Strasbourg. Née le 2 Décembre 2022, elle vise à éclairer les étudiants sur les carrières et les enjeux du service public par l’organisation de rencontres avec des acteurs publics.
Master CPI
L’association ‘Master CPI’ est gérée par les étudiants du Master 2 Communication Publique et Institutionnelle et a pour but de promouvoir celui-ci.
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MIRA est l’association des étudiants du Master de Relations Internationales de Sciences Po Strasbourg. Réactivée en 2018, elle s’engage à accroître la visibilité du Master de Relations Internationales et à renforcer la cohésion des étudiants.
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Notre association répond aux attentes des étudiants en termes d’intégration, de sorties culturelles, de conférences et de débats. Plus encore, RETE se charge d’organiser des activités diverses, afin d’assurer la cohésion entre les étudiants et partager ensemble des découvertes culturelles.
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