In 2021, 33% of students entering First Year at Sciences Po Strasbourg received financial aid. This is a result of a proactive fair access policy by Sciences Po Strasbourg, including its PEI (Programme of Integrated Studies).
PEI (Programme of Integrated Studies)
Since 2007, the seven Sciences Pos in the ScPo Network have developed an equal opportunities programme for schoolchildren throughout their respective regions, called the Programme of Integrated Studies (PEI). The Network’s shared ambition is to support pupils affected by social, cultural or regional inequality through the PEI. Sciences Po Strasbourg is responsible for delivering this programme at regional level throughout the Grand Est.
The Strasbourg Programme of Integrated Studies has three levels: PEI Collège from 4eme (Year 9, aged 13 - 14 years), PEI Première (Year 12, aged 16 - 17 years) and PEI Terminale (Year 13, aged 17 -18 years). Over 200 secondary school teachers, university lecturers, student mentors, and partners from the public, private and non-profit sectors are working to raise pupils’ ambitions.
Our objectives:
- Encourage pupils to define and achieve their ambitions
- Help familiarise them with higher education
- Enable them to acquire study techniques that promote success in high school and higher education.
- Support pupils on the programme from the first half of their secondary education through to university, with a continuous and progressive programme.
- Since 2006, PEI Strasbourg has supported almost 2,600 pupils;
- In 2022, 300 pupils participated in the PEI programme across 48 partner schools (15 collèges and 33 lycées);
- In 2021, 42% of participating pupils who made that career choice went on to a Sciences Po Institution.
Léonie Husson, final year pupil on the PEI TERMINALE programme
The PEI programme was useful. It was also beneficial from a personal development point of view. We were able to find out what lectures were like. The ‘parcoursup’ selection process is harsh because it makes you feel you are just a number. The programme made me feel supported. I think it’s worthwhile: it makes you feel that experts believe in you and want you to succeed. Thank you for everything you have given us: your time and expertise, and confidence in ourselves.
PEI Terminale - Objective: School Leaver Destinations
The PEI Terminale programme helps prepare students for the ScPo Network common entrance exam and for entry into higher education in general. It achieves this through a number of tools and methods.
- Online platform
Pupils are given log-in details to access the online preparation platform (, which allows them to work independently, in their own time, on the methodology and knowledge required for the entrance exams.
- In-school workshops
Each school has a teaching team led by a designated teacher, who supports participating pupils on a daily basis. Through regular working sessions and using the teaching materials on the platform, they help pupils to progress.
- Immersion weeks at Sciences Po Strasbourg
Pupils receive three weeks of intensive training to prepare for the entrance exam. This training takes place at Sciences Po Strasbourg during the Easter holidays, November half-term and February half-term and introduces them to the environment and teaching methods of a higher education establishment. Pupils attend classes and tutorials delivered by Science Po teaching staff and guest lecturers. A mock entrance exam allows final year pupils who want to gain entry to Sciences Po to prepare for the ScPo common entrance exam.
- Cultural Awareness
When they come to Strasbourg, pupils take part in cultural activities (visit to European institutions, a performance at the Opéra du Rhin, treasure hunt around the city and a visit to the museum). A meeting organised by CROUS provides practical advice for future students on topics such as accommodation, grants and transport.
- Student Mentor
Each school pupil is paired up with a mentor who is a Sciences Po student. Pupils can ask their mentor for advice, moral support and information about student life in Strasbourg.
Des semaines d'immersion à Sciences Po Strasbourg
Les élèves préparationnaires bénéficient de trois semaines de stage de préparation intensif à Sciences Po Strasbourg, durant les vacances de Pâques, de la Toussaint, et de février, où ils se familiarisent à l’environnement et aux méthodes de l’enseignement supérieur. Cours et conférences de méthode, assurés par le corps enseignant de Science Po ainsi que par des professeurs invités, leur sont proposés pendant ces périodes. Un concours blanc permet aux élèves de terminale désireux d’intégrer Sciences Po de se préparer au concours commun.
Une ouverture culturelle
Lors de leur venue à Strasbourg, les lycéens participent à des activités culturelles (visite des institutions européennes, représentation à l’Opéra du Rhin, rallye de découverte de la ville, sorties au musée). Une rencontre animée par les professionnels du CROUS permet également de fournir des conseils pratiques aux futurs étudiants (logement, bourses, transport).
Un tuteur étudiant
Enfin, chaque lycéen est apparié avec un étudiant tuteur de Sciences Po. L’élève pourra trouver auprès de son tuteur des conseils, un soutien moral, des explications sur la vie étudiante à Strasbourg.
Fabrice Robardey, Professeur référent au lycée Jean-Jacques Henner à Altkirch
La préparation au concours d’entrée à l’IEP est extrêmement stimulante, tant pour l’enseignant que je suis que pour mes élèves. Entrer à Sciences Po est comme un rêve pour nombre de nos élèves. Nous sommes là, professeurs en lycée comme à l’IEP, pour leur donner les clés pour y entrer. Et pour beaucoup d'entre eux, le rêve devient réalité
Partner high schools
- Le lycée Jean-Jacques Henner d’Altkirch
- Le lycée Raymond Poincaré de Bar-le-Duc
- Le lycée Marc Bloch de Bischheim
- Le lycée Louis-Casimir Teyssier de Bitche
- Le lycée Louis Bertrand de Briey
- Le lycée Charles de Gaulle de Chaumont
- Le lycée Edmé Bouchardon de Chaumont
- Le lycée Camille Sée de Colmar
- Le lycée Henri Vogt de Commercy
- Le lycée Jean Moulin de Forbach
- Le lycée Alfred Kastler de Guebwiller
- Le Lycée Robert Schuman d’Haguenau
- Le lycée Robert Schuman de Metz
- Le lycée Henri Meck de Molsheim
- Le lycée Louis Armand de Mulhouse
- Le lycée Jean-Henri Lambert de Mulhouse
- Le lycée Frédéric Kirschleger de Munster
- Le lycée Erckmann-Chatrian de Phalsbourg
- Le lycée Jules Ferry de Saint-Dié-des-Vosges
- Le Lycée Jean Mermoz de Saint-Louis
- Le lycée Mangin de Sarrebourg
- Le lycée Jean de Pange de Sarreguemines
- Le lycée Michel de Montaigne de Mulhouse
- Le lycée Georges Imbert de Sarre-Union
- Le lycée du Haut-Barr de Saverne
- Le lycée Leclerc de Saverne
- Le lycée Docteur Koeberlé de Sélestat
- Le lycée Jean Monnet de Strasbourg
- Le lycée Marcel Rudloff de Strasbourg
- le lycée Camille Claudel de Troyes
- Le lycée Chrestien de Troyes de Troyes
- Le lycée Thomas Masaryk de Vouziers
PEI PRO : objectif échange
Le programme PEI PRO s’adresse aux élèves de terminale du baccalauréat professionnel spécialisés en cuisine et service du lycée Alexandre Dumas d’Illkirch-Graffenstaden, établissement spécialisé dans les métiers de bouche.
Il repose sur un échange de compétences entre élèves et étudiants : lors de deux ateliers réalisés dans les cuisines laboratoires du lycée, les lycéens de terminale font montre de leur savoir-faire en enseignant les techniques de cuisine et pâtisserie aux étudiants de Sciences Po. Lycéens et étudiants bénéficient ensuite d’un moment convivial de dégustation de leur production commune.
En retour, les étudiants offrent un accompagnement à la préparation de l’oral du chef d’œuvre du baccalauréat. Les lycéens suivent un atelier d’éloquence avec l’Ecole des jeunes orateurs, puis bénéficient d’un temps de préparation et d’entrainement personnalisé avec leur binôme étudiant.
PEI Premiere - Objective: Awareness
In première (Year 12, age 16 - 17 years), PEI is an awareness programme, which offers pupils experience in two very attractive careers: diplomacy and media.
The “Diplomacy” project, with the participation of the student association Stras’Diplomacy, entails a diplomatic negotiations game in English, which is modelled on UN negotiations Model United Nations (MUN). The negotiations are prepared throughout the school year. They bring together pupil/student partnerships who each represent a country at the negotiations, which end with a vote on the final resolution.
The “Media” project offers an insight into journalism, through a programme of discovery, including meetings with professionals and visits to local media institutions, covering television (ARTE and France 3), written press (DNA) and radio (France Bleu, RTL).
Partner high schools
- Le lycée Jean-Jacques Henner d’Altkirch
- Le lycée Camille Sée de Colmar
- Le lycée Alfred Kastler de Guebwiller
- Le lycée Henri Meck de Molsheim
- Le lycée Jean-Henri Lambert de Mulhouse
- Le lycée Louis Armand de Mulhouse
- Le lycée Erckmann-Chatrian de Phalsbourg
- Le lycée Mangin de Sarrebourg
- Le lycée Jean de Pange de Sarreguemines
- Le lycée Docteur Koeberlé de Sélestat
- Le lycée Jean Monnet de Strasbourg
PEI Secondary School - Objective - Discovery
Since 2016, the PEI programme has been expanded to include 3eme (Year 10) pupils at schools in priority areas (REP and REP+) in the Strasbourg district.
In each school, a group of 10 pupils works under the guidance of a school teaching team, led by a designated teacher and supported by a student mentor from Sciences Po Strasbourg. The objective is to produce a written report on a subject related to the European Union. The report has to be defended in an official setting, where a jury, made up of Sciences Po Strasbourg lecturers, students and external participants, present an award to the best ones.
The pupils in quatrième (Year 9 age 13-14 years)are then given the opportunity to spend a day at Sciences Po Strasbourg, where they can find out about an institute of higher education and take part in a workshop around the theme of gender equality at school and in the workplace.
Partner colleges
- Le collège Lamartine de Bischheim
- Le collège Molière de Colmar
- Le collège Bel-Air de Mulhouse
- Le collège Bourtzwiller de Mulhouse
- Le collège Kennedy de Mulhouse
- Le collège Jean Macé de Mulhouse
- Le collège Saint-Exupéry de Mulhouse
- Le collège Villon de Mulhouse
- Le collège Wolf de Mulhouse
- Le collège Hans Arp de Strasbourg
- Le collège Erasme de Strasbourg
- Le collège Jean Monnet de Strasbourg
- Le collège Solignac de Strasbourg
- Le collège Twinger de Strasbourg
- Le collège des Deux Rives de Rhinau