Enrolment Fees

In the interests of equality and solidarity, the Boards of Sciences Po Strasbourg and University of Strasbourg have decided to promote fair access to courses through a system of variable fees, adjusted to take account of household income.

Sciences Po Strasbourg Diploma

Enrolment fees for the Sciences Po Strasbourg Diploma are adjusted depending on students’ household taxable income (family quotient = total gross income/number of parts fiscales). Variable fees apply to each year of the Sciences Po Strasbourg Diploma as defined in the pricing schedule:


Revenu brut global

(ou revenu total ou mondial)

/ par part 

Droits d'inscription Sciences Po StrasbourgDroits nationauxContribution vie étudiante et
de campus
1, 2, 4 et 5 années    3ème année 1 à 5 années
Boursiers 0 €0 €0 €0 €
Inférieur à 10 000 €0 €0 €

A titre indicatif

montant 2023/2024

243 €


A titre indicatif 2023/2024

100 €
sauf cas d’exonération

de 10 001 €à 13 000 € 200 €0 €
de 13 001 €à 14 500 €300 €0 €
de 14 501 €à 16 000 €400 €0 €
de 16 001 € à 17 000 €500 €100 €
de 17 001 € à 18 500 €600 €200 €
de 18 501 € à 19 500 €800 €600 €
de 19 501 €à 20 500 €900 €700 €
de 20 501 €à 22 000 €1 000 €800 €
de 22 001 €à 23 500 €1 100 €900 €
de 23 501 € à 25 000 €1 200 €1 000 €
de 25 001 €à 27 000 € 1 300 €1 100 €
de 27 001 € à 33 000 €1 500 €1 300 €
de 33 001 €à 38 000 €1 900 €1 700 €
de 38 001 €à 47 000 € 2 300 €2 100 €
à partir de 47 001 €3 000 €2 800 €

Students entering the Fifth Year of the Diploma must:

  • Enrol in the Fifth Year of the Sciences Po Strasbourg Diploma and pay the corresponding registration fees. See the fee schedule above.
  • Also enrol in the Second Year of their Master's degree and pay the corresponding registration fees to the relevant establishment (Sciences Po Strasbourg, Unistra or host Sciences Po). See the fee schedule above.

We will write to you individually to inform you of the exact amount of your Sciences Po Strasbourg enrolment fees.