Since 2019, it has been possible to enter the Sciences Po Strasbourg Diploma course during the Fourth Year by passing a specific competitive entrance exam, which is open to students who have successfully completed three years of higher education.
Applications are made via the eCandidat platform: https://ecandidat.unistra.fr/
Retrouvez la présentation des filières de 4ème année en vidéos.
The following candidates are eligible to take the Fourth Year entrance exam to Sciences Po Strasbourg Diploma, which is the equivalent of a Master’s degree:
- University students who hold (or are in the process of obtaining) a licence or equivalent qualification worth at least 180 ECTS credits (European Credits Transfer System).
Students enrolled in another diploma from an Institute of Political Studies (outside Paris) may not take part in the Sciences Po Strasbourg fourth-year entrance exam.
Stage 1: Eligibility
Eligibility is assessed on the basis of an application that includes:
- A one-page accompanying letter describing the candidate's career plan. This should enable the jury to assess how Sciences Po Strasbourg may contribute to the candidate’s career plan and goals ;
- An essay of no more than two pages (Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5, including any footnotes and bibliography) on an issue or event (of a political, legal, social or cultural nature) that is related to the syllabus of the course of study which has made a particular impression on the candidate during the past year ;
- A detailed CV ;
- A transcript of marks from the baccalauréat or equivalent qualification and a transcript of grades from each year of higher education ;
- Proof of the level of two foreign languages taught in the Sciences Po Strasbourg Diploma (English, German, Spanish, Italian and Russian) by providing official certifications, language tests, or a language level attestation (stamped, signed) dated less than two years ago. Applicants whose mother tongue is a foreign language must provide any document that proves this (civil status certificate, identity document, baccalaureate or equivalent from the country of origin ;
- For candidates from non-French speaking countries, a certificate from a language certification authority showing C1 level in French.
Candidates who wish to apply to several Fourth Year courses at Sciences Po Strasbourg must submit a separate application for each course. They must also pay the enrolment fees for each application.
A candidate wishing to apply to several fourth-year courses at Sciences Po Strasbourg must submit as many separate applications as there are courses to which he or she wishes to have access. They must then pay the registration fee for each application.
Consultez l'arrêté du nombre de places ouvertes pour le concours.
The number of places open for each of the courses is fixed at :
- Pour la Filière Droit et Administration Publique : 15 places
- Pour la Filière Economie et Finance : 10 places
- Pour la Filière Etude des Relations Internationales et du Global : 10 places
- Pour la Filière Etudes européennes : 20 places
- Pour la Filière Politiques et Sociétés : 15 places
Stage 2: Admission
The admission stage includes:
- An interview with a selection panel to ascertain the candidate's motivation and the educational quality of their application.
Consultez le règlement du concours d'entrée en 4ème année du diplôme de Sciences Po Strasbourg.