Concours commun 2025
Date - thèmes et centres d'examen dévoilés !
Les portes ouvertes 2024 du Réseau ScPo : les replays des conférences disponibles
Le samedi 30 novembre 2024 a eu lieu la 4ème Journée Portes Ouvertes virtuelle du Réseau ScPo. Vous n'avez pas pu y assister ou souhaitez la revisionner ? Les replays des conférences sont désormais disponibles ! Visionnez-les ici :
Le Grand Oral Campus Channel du #reseauscpo est disponible !
Modalités et épreuves du concours commun aux 7 Sciences Po du Réseau ScPo (Aix, Lille, Lyon, Rennes, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Strasbourg et Toulouse).
Pluridisciplinarité et professionnalisation des cursus, année à l’étranger, programme de démocratisation, intégration du défi écologique, vie étudiante et associative, débouchés et insertion professionnelle... Retrouvez l’interview d’Adèle Bizeul, étudiante en 2ème année à Sciences Po Strasbourg et Pablo Diaz, Président duréseau ScPo et Directeur de Sciences Po Rennes.
Applicants seeking admission into the First Year must sit the Sciences Po Network common entrance exam or apply on the basis of qualifications with a general average point score of at least 17/20 in the French baccalauréat.
The common entrance exam - one single exam to access the Sciences Po Network
Students need only sit the Science Po Network common entrance exam for entry into the First Year of Sciences Po Institutes in Aix, Lille, Lyon (Lyon and Saint-Étienne campuses), Rennes, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Strasbourg and Toulouse. It is held in the seven cities of the ScPo Network and in off-site centres in 6 overseas territories and abroad.
Who can apply
- Students in their final year of secondary school (BAC 0) or school-leavers from the previous year (BAC+1 year of higher education) are eligible to apply.
- Qualifications equivalent to the BAC are also accepted.
From now on, only the tests in the joint competition will be taken into account.
The tests:
- Contemporary issues (duration 3 hours, coefficient/weighting 3) with general revision themes: “Revolutions” and “The body”. A suggested reading list is available on the ScPo Network website.
- History (duration 2 hours, coefficient/weighting 3) with the revision programme based on the core Terminale (final school year) curriculum of the Baccalauréat Général: “Power relations and political models from the 1930s to the present day” and “Political, social and cultural history of France since the 1930s”. A suggested reading list is available on the ScPo Network website.
- Modern Languages (duration 1 hour, coefficient/weighting 2). This test (English, German, Spanish or Italian) will be based on comprehension exercises and an essay.
Comment se préparer au concours ?
As the entrance exams largely follow the curriculum and methodology of the baccalauréat général, the ScPo Network does not recommend any particular preparatory courses.
However, some students who find it difficult to work independently or who lack methodology can benefit from guidance and feedback on their work.
To guide students through the vast range of preparatory courses of variable quality that are available, the ScPo Network has approved a specific online preparatory course for this competitive exam:
- Le dispositif Tremplin IEP garantit aux candidats une formation de très haute qualité spécifiquement adaptée aux exigences des concours. Souple et adaptable, la formation 100% à distance offre un accès permanent à chacune et chacun de ses candidates et candidats, quelle que soit sa situation géographique. Tremplin IEP est conçu pour s’articuler parfaitement avec les formations dispensées en lycée, en classes préparatoires ou à l’université. La candidate ou le candidat ne reste cependant pas seul(e) : un espace de Questions / Réponses permet de communiquer avec le corps enseignant ; des espaces réservés offrent également aux étudiants le possibilité d’échanger entre eux. Le suivi est assuré uniquement par des professeures et des professeurs expérimentés.
A qui s'adresse la formation ?
- Tremplin IEP guarantees candidates very high-quality training that is specifically adapted to the requirements of the competitive entrance examination. Designed by e-learning specialists, Tremplin IEP is 100% online. Candidates can combine their school or university work with preparation for the competitive entrance exams in the way that suits them best.
- Tremplin IEP Concours commun s’adresse aux bachelières et aux bacheliers ainsi qu'aux Bac +1 : elle prépare au concours commun pour l’entrée en première année. La formation est adaptée aux nouvelles modalités du concours commun : analyse de document(s) en Histoire, dissertation en Questions Contemporaines, compréhension et essai en Langue vivante. Pour renforcer leur politique de démocratisation, les 7 Sciences Po du Réseau accordent une attention toute particulière au coût de la prestation, en prévoyant un tarif spécifique pour les boursiers.
Consulter la plaquette du Tremplin IEP
Informations :
Le dispositif Tremplin :
Calendrier des candidatures
- Inscription sur Parcoursup : du mercredi 15 janvier au jeudi 13 mars 2025.
- Confirmation des voeux sur Parcoursup : Jusqu'au mercredi 2 avril 2025.
- Résultats : A partir du 2 juin 2025.
- Fin de la phase principale d'admission : Jeudi 10 juillet 2025.
Admission on the basis of qualifications
Admission on the basis of qualifications
- To apply on the basis of qualifications, you must have created and confirmed your preference to sit the “ScPo Network” exam before the deadline on the Parcoursup admissions platform; and
- Have sat all the common entrance exam papers for admission to First Year of the ScPo Network and not been offered a place.
- 2022 school leavers may apply if they have obtained an overall average score of at least 17/20 in the French baccalauréat. 2021 school leavers are therefore not eligible to apply on the basis of qualifications.
- Registering for the common entrance exam for admission to First Year of the ScPo Network will not automatically be taken to mean that you wish to apply for admission to Sciences Po Strasbourg on the basis of qualifications.
Results and confirmation of candidates admitted on the main list
- The results will be posted on Friday, 7 July 2023 on the Sciences Po Strasbourg website.
- Successful candidates on the main list must confirm acceptance of their place by e-mail to before Monday, 10 July 2023 at 08:30 (CET). If no written confirmation is received by this deadline, their place will be offered to candidates on the reserve list in order of ranking.
- When confirming acceptance of a place by e-mail, successful candidates must provide confirmation that they have unregistered on Parcoursup, using the form which can be downloaded from their personal account in the “Admission” section.
- Sciences Po Strasbourg will be closed on 8 and 9 July 2023. Acknowledgement of receipt of your validation will be sent to you on Monday 10 July 2023 before 12 noon.
Results and confirmation of candidates admitted on the reserve list
- Successful candidates on the reserve list will be contacted by telephone on Monday 10 July 2023 (followed up by a confirmation e-mail) at the number entered on the application form for admission on the basis of qualifications. Reserve list candidates must therefore remain contactable throughout the day of 11 July. After 2 unanswered calls, the available place will be allocated to the next candidate on the reserve list.
- Successful candidates on the reserve list must confirm acceptance of their place by e-mail to before Tuesday, 11 July 2023 at 12:00 (CET).
- When confirming acceptance of a place by e-mail, successful candidates must provide confirmation that they have unregistered on Parcoursup, using the form which can be downloaded from their personal account in the “Admission” section.