Are you interested in preparing for the senior civil service competitive entrance exams? Sciences Po Strasbourg adapts its teaching to prepare students for each entrance exam, strengthened by a range of specific partnerships. Since 2021, the course has led to a qualification in its own right, with the award of the Advanced Certificate in Public Administration. A passport for success!
Because of its multi-disciplinary structure, Sciences Po Strasbourg is able to offer high quality teaching in all entrance exam subjects. The Preparatory Course for the Senior Civil Service Entrance Exams teaching team includes senior civil servants who provide professionally oriented teaching (role-play scenarios, exam techniques, practical case studies, etc.) and faculty staff who teach more academic subjects (Law, Economics, Public Finance, Languages, etc.).
The Preparatory Course for the Senior Civil Service Entrance Exams leads to a qualification in its own right. At the end of the year, students will be awarded an "Advanced Certificate in Public Administration" which recognises their investment in gaining new, specialised knowledge and skills. This qualification certifies that the student has obtained Sciences Po Strasbourg’s highest level of training in public administration.
A qui s'adresse la classe préparatoire aux concours de la haute fonction publique ?
- à tous les étudiants titulaires d'un master 2 ou en cours d'obtention initiés aux matières phares des concours
Preparatory Course Format
The preparatory course is based on a solid core curriculum, designed to equip students with all the knowledge and skills that senior civil servants require. It also provides refresher and advanced courses in competitive entrance exam core subjects.
The preparatory course is then structured in three main streams, each focusing on a different entrance exam:
- “National careers” course for entry into INSP (French National Institute for Public Services)
- “Regional careers” course for entry into INET (French National Institute of Territorial Studies)
- “Careers in Health and Social Care” course for entry into EHESP, EN3S and DESSM
These courses allow students to specialise in the specific content of the entrance exam they plan to sit and learn from teachers who are specialists in that particular exam.
A preparatory course enhanced by unique partnerships
The Preparatory Course for the Senior Civil Service Entrance Exams is supported by:

New for 2022! Sciences Po Strasbourg has signed a ground-breaking agreement with the Commissaire des Armées (French Armed Forces) and the Support Group of the Strasbourg-Haguenau-Colmar Defence Base. This arrangement means that the preparatory course is able to offer additional classes focusing on the Commissaire des Armées entrance exam, delivered in partnership with the military institution.
Les + de la classe préparatoire de Sciences Po Strasbourg
- Petit effectif / promotion à taille humaine
- Possibilité de réaliser des entrainements individuels avec l'équipe pédagogique
- 60% des étudiants réussissent le concours qu'ils visent
The Classe Talents (Skills for the Civil Service) Programme
In line with our aim of enabling everyone to achieve their ambitions regardless of their social background, Sciences Po Strasbourg offers a Classe Talents (Skills for the Civil Service), in partnership with the Minister of Public Sector Transformation and the French Civil Service. This class provides enhanced support for the most promising candidates who receive financial aid or are jobseekers.
At Sciences Po Strasbourg, we promote diversity in civil service management by admitting students to our Preparatory Course for the Senior Civil Service Entrance Exams based on both social and academic criteria.
The purpose of the Classe Talents (Skills for the Civil Service) programme is to support students in preparatory courses who fulfil the following conditions:
- Eligible for a higher education bursary based on income or social criteria;
- Eligible to sit the external and 3ème concours competitive exams, for which the Classe Talents (Skills for the Civil Service) helps prepare;
- Hold an upper class university degree in a relevant subject.
Priority may be given to:
- Applicants who live in a QPV (disadvantaged area), a ZPR (rural development zone), a French overseas territory or departement, and applicants who have attended school or university there;
- Jobseekers most at risk of exclusion from the labour market, particularly long-term jobseekers.
Each student enrolled in the Classe Talents (Skills for the Civil Service) programme receives financial support during their studies in the form of a 4,000-euro bursary on top of the needs-based grant, to enable them to concentrate fully on this demanding preparatory course. Due to their student status, they may also be eligible for support with accommodation and sustenance from the CROUS.
Students on the Classe Talents (Skills for the Civil Service) programme may also take the Classe Talents-specific exams organised by civil service institutes of higher education.
In addition to the government programme, Sciences Po Strasbourg is committed to a more substantial programme of support:
- Exemption from specific registration fees so that the cost of tuition is zero;
- Providing a library of resources at the beginning of the year to help students prepare for the competitive exam;
- Providing computer equipment to help programme participants’ study;
- Allocation of book vouchers to encourage broad general knowledge.